Manon Dinel

Council Chair

Manon Dinel

Manon Dinel holds a Master's degree in Nursing from the Université de Montréal. She began her career at the Centre de santé et des services sociaux du Lac-Des-Deux-Montagnes (CSSSLDDDM). In 2008, she obtained the position of senior nursing advisor in support of the direction of the program for the support of autonomy to the elderly, a position she still holds at the Centre intégré de santé et services sociaux des Laurentides. She was president of the Council of Nurses of the CSSS LDDM for 15 years. She also sat on the Regional Nursing Commission for a period of 5 years. She was a co-founder of the Association des Conseils infirmières et infirmiers du Québec and a founding member of the Regroupement pour l'avenir de la profession au Québec which became the Association des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec.