Call for Nominations Process and Operations

Call for Nominations Process and Operations

Criteria for directors

In addition to the requirements of the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act, all candidates for the CNA board of directors shall meet the requirements set out in CNA’s by-laws and board policy.

In addition, candidates must:

  • Be individuals over the age of 18 years who have not been declared incapable by a court and who do not have the status of bankrupt
  • Hold an active CNA membership
  • Be able to attend three board meetings per year (one day each), in March, June and November, special meetings, and monthly meetings, as required. Meetings will be a combination of virtual and in-person

The following are not eligible:

  • Current employees and independent contractors of CNA and their family members or spouses

Composition of board

CNA encourages nurses from diverse backgrounds to be candidates for board directors. CNA is seeking a board that informs dialogue and supports strong decision-making, reflects CNA membership and the nursing profession, and has the ability to identify and question biases. The board should therefore reflect the following criteria:

  • Representation from the four regulated nursing designations, retired nurses and nursing students
  • Diverse nursing practice experiences, backgrounds, and specialties
  • Diverse identity representation from a variety of ethnic, language, gender, and cultural and historical backgrounds and perspectives
  • Indigenous voices to ensure that deliberations and decisions are informed by, and include and respect, Indigenous perspectives
  • Geographic diversity to reflect the reality that practice environments and access to health care vary throughout the country’s provinces, territories, Indigenous communities, and six time zones
  • Internationally educated nurses

Process and operations for nominations

Official call

In January of each year in which the election of directors is required (every two years or other such time) the nominating committee will make an assessment based on the current board, as to what criteria needs to be targeted in the call for nominations. The call for nominations shall include a date by which nominations must be received to be considered by the nominating committee.

The nomination form must be accompanied with letters of support from three members of CNA, one of which can be from the candidate. The call for nominations will include a request for a high-resolution colour photo of the candidate as well as their curriculum vitae (CV).

If there are two or more appropriate candidates, there will be no second or final call for nominations. The nominating committee will finalize the slate of candidates for presentation to the board.

Second or final call

In the event there are less than two candidates by February 15, the nominating committee will encourage additional nominations by putting out a second or final call for nominations to close February 28 (or such other date).

The nominating committee can also nominate a candidate if there are fewer than two candidates by February 15 if the majority of committee members votes in favour of the candidate, consent of the nominee has been given, and if the letter of nomination is signed by the committee chair.

Slate of nominations

The nominating committee shall meet by electronic means in early March of every year (or such other time) to review the nominations against the criteria and prepare the slate of nominations for review and approval by the board. The slate of nominations shall be forwarded to the board prior to the March board meeting. Once the slate of nominations has been declared, it is sent to the CNA president. The nominees’ names will be made available to CNA members as soon as the slate of nominations is finalized. The slate of nominations shall be provided to members at least 21 days before the annual meeting of members.

Replacement nominations

In the event there is only one candidate for any open position, and they are unable to stand for election for any reason, the nominating committee may do either or both of the following:

  • Issue an additional call for nominations, with appropriate timelines and requirements, subject to the fact that all nominees must meet the eligibility criteria
  • Put forth, on its own initiative, additional nominations

All nominations so made must be filed with the CNA president before the election. Such nominations must be supported by the consent of the nominee in writing.

Filling a vacant position

If a vacancy occurs in the office of director for any reason other than a failure to elect a sufficient number of directors at the annual meeting of members or an increase in the number of directors permitted by the CNA by-laws, the board will appoint a replacement, as follows:

  • The nominating committee shall circulate a special call for nominations to the directors, members and, if applicable, to the public via CNA’s communication channels. The call for nominations shall include a date by which nominations must be received to be considered by the nominating committee.
  • Immediately following the deadline for receipt of nominations, the nominating committee shall meet by electronic means to review the nominations against the criteria and shall select a candidate to fill each vacancy on the board. The candidates selected will be recommended to the board for appointment.
  • In accordance with the federal not-for-profit act, the board shall appoint a replacement director to fill each vacancy. A director so elected shall serve only for the remainder of their predecessor’s term.

Election procedure

Eligible voters

To be eligible to vote in the advance elections and annual meeting of members, an individual must be a CNA member in good standing on the record date approved by the board each year. This date will be communicated to members.

Advance voting

Advance voting for the election of board members will take place virtually at least 7 days before the annual meeting of members. All eligible members will receive a voting ballot via email with instructions on how to cast their vote. Members must retain an active membership throughout the voting period and date of annual meeting.


The results of the advance voting will be sealed until the annual meeting of members. For the president-elect and vice president elections, the candidate with the most votes for each position will be declared the winner. For the board representative positions, the two candidates with the most votes will be declared the winners.

Campaign guidelines for elections

Candidates for elected office in CNA are highly qualified leaders in Canadian nursing. As such, the campaign activities and election processes should be dignified in nature and content. The goal of the campaign activities and election processes is to enable the membership to make an informed choice based on the leadership qualities and attributes that candidates bring to the position.

These guidelines provide for equitable, open, and fair elections. They are intended to support candidates in running an effective campaign that includes opportunities for visibility and for communicating with the membership so they can make informed decisions.

Pre-election activities

The purpose of pre-election activities is to assist candidates in preparing for the election, which is held during the CNA annual meeting of members.

Promotional materials may be prepared, used, and distributed according to the guidelines below.

The candidates will be profiled prominently on the CNA website and promoted on CNA social media accounts. Information will also be provided with the annual meeting documents. The materials for each candidate will include:

  • A photograph (suitable for posting online, see guidelines)
  • A statement of philosophy (up to 200 words)

Acceptable candidate promotional materials and distribution

Candidates may use a number of promotional channels (social media, CNA’s online communities of practice, etc.) as part of their campaign. Candidates are asked to avoid elaborate campaigns to keep the electoral process equitable. As our membership stretches across the country, we encourage candidates to use both of Canada’s official languages in their promotional materials. CNA staff will provide logistical support to candidates (e.g., communication about date, time and location of relevant meetings) and answer or forward questions from candidates as required.

Campaign video

Candidates are encouraged to submit a campaign video of no more than 10 minutes in length that will be posted on CNA’s website. Candidates can share their video through social media to promote their campaign.

Videos should include:

  • The candidate’s platform message and statement of philosophy
  • An outline of the candidate’s qualifications, including what expertise the candidate brings to the elected position
  • A summary of how the candidate envisions meeting the mission, vision, values and goals of CNA

Nomination form

The call for nominations shall include a requirement that each proposed candidate provide the following:

  • A completed nomination form, including the statement of philosophy and platform message
  • Biographical information
  • Curriculum vitae (CV) (CV should clearly indicate your commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility)
  • A current colour photo (photo guidelines)
  • Three letters of support from CNA members
  • Confirmation that the candidate has paid their CNA membership fees

For more information, contact our governance and corporate services coordinator.