Family Violence (VEGA)

Family Violence (VEGA)

About the VEGA project

The VEGA resources were developed with funding from the Public Health Agency of Canada in collaboration with 22 national organizations, forming a national guidance and implementation committee, of which CNA past president Karima Velji was co-chair.

If you have any questions and/or comments about VEGA’s resources, please contact the VEGA project lead, Dr. Harriet MacMillan, McMaster University, at

The Violence Evidence Guidance Action (VEGA) project has resulted in evidence-based guidance and education resources to assist health-care and social service providers in recognizing and responding safely to family violence (child maltreatment and intimate partner violence).


The VEGA resources are free and publicly available. They include learning modules (e.g., care pathways, scripts, how-to videos), interactive educational scenarios and a handbook. The resources are most useful in the context of a workshop or setting where discussion and role playing are possible, but can also be used as individual online training.