Ankur Patel is a fourth-year BScN student residing on the traditional, unceded, and ancestral territories of the Haisla people, colonially known as Kitimat, B.C. As the student representative, his role on the CNA board is to represent the voice of nursing students.
Ankur is currently seated on the Board of Directors of the Canadian Nursing Students' Association (CNSA), maintaining his position as Director of Communications, and supporting the role of Environmental Sustainability Advocate. A deep passion for planetary health drives many of Ankur’s various environmental endeavours to improve the efficiency, efficacy, and ethical provision of health care and government services. He is a member of the Canadian Association of Nurses for the Environment.
Ankur is attending the University of Northern British Columbia, focusing on clinical practice in rural areas with the goal of serving rural and remote northern communities. He is pursuing this path after witnessing first-hand the effects of planetary deterioration on the health of clients who rely on the land the most. Committed to radical, compassionate, and humanistic advocacy, Ankur strives to empower marginalized voices and amplify stories to drive meaningful change in addressing health inequities.