Victoria Casas-Alcuaz

Board of Directors

Victoria Casas-Alcuaz

CNA Board Member 2024-2026
Board Representative

Victoria Casas-Alcuaz is the Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) for the Frail Elderly-Older Adult Network of Fraser Health in Vancouver, British Columbia (BC), and sits as a Board Director at the Clinical Nurse Specialist Association of BC (CNSABC). She has a healthy distaste for the status quo and a keen interest in bridging systems together for seamless transitions, Continuous Quality Management and passionate in changing the narrative on Workforce Well Being and Joy. She is accredited with Health Quality BC, Physician Quality Improvement (PQI), an Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Fellow and Scholar as well as an apprentice to Irish poet, David Whyte's Conversational Leadership. She is an avid hiker and has yet to finish writing her first novel and book of poetry.