CNA News Room

A farewell from Tim Guest

Dear CNA members, health partners, and nurses,

Throughout my six years on the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) board — including my time as president-elect and as your president — I was impressed by your passion, creativity, and dedication during a period of significant change.

A little over two years ago the transitional board at CNA asked me to fill in as the CEO for a two-year period to lead the organization through one of the most challenging periods in its 115-year history. The membership structure was impacted by the loss of jurisdictional members as they moved away from dual mandate regulator/associations to focus solely on regulation; and a new membership and governance structure was being implemented. Along with this change was a new strategic plan, new brand, new membership and website applications, and a restructuring resulting in the loss of nearly half of the workforce of CNA.

I was honoured to be appointed CEO of CNA, and I felt privileged to lead such a talented and diverse group of people. Under my leadership, we pivoted, sharpening our focus to advocate for the nursing profession and deal with a global pandemic and nursing shortage, challenging work environments, burnout, moral distress and injury, and the need for mental health supports for nurses.

I am proud of the work that the organization has been able to accomplish over the past two years, including successfully hosting the world's nurses in Montreal at the ICN Congress in July 2023, focusing on rebuilding our membership, revising our products, expanding into new markets, growing our revenue, and setting a path to sustainability. We adapted to these unprecedented challenges and uncertainty, showed solidarity with and compassion to our colleagues, members, and our key partners (CFNU, CMA, provincial nursing associations, ICN, the Canadian Network of Nursing Specialties, and many others), and built and re-built relationships.

As you all know, my time is winding down as the CEO of CNA. I am honoured to have served the nursing profession and want to express my gratitude and appreciation for the fantastic journey we have shared throughout my presidency and tenure as CEO.

As I leave CNA, I am proud of what we have accomplished together and confident that the organization’s future is bright and promising. I will always remain a loyal supporter and member of CNA, supporting and advocating for the issues impacting Canada’s nurses.

I am eternally grateful for the CNA team for making CNA a great place to work and learn. I wish them the very best in the future.

It has been an honour and a pleasure to serve as your president and CEO. Now I pass the baton to Valerie Grdisa as she begins her journey as CNA CEO.

Chief Executive Officer