CNA News Room

CNA congratulates Canada’s Premiers for their commitment to addressing health systems’ challenges and reminds them nurses represent the most cost-efficient opportunity to expand health-care access

July 17, 2024 (Halifax, Nova Scotia)—At the Council of the Federation meeting, Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) president Kimberly LeBlanc met with Canada’s Premiers and congratulated them on the various provincial and territorial initiatives that aim to tackle our health systems’ challenges. She reminded them that nurses, if allowed to work to the full scope of their knowledge and skills, represent the most cost-efficient way to address our health systems’ inefficiencies.

Expanding all types of nurses' scope of practice would enable Canada to leverage its nearly half-million nurses in the context of health workforce shortage and an aging population. With increasing numbers of Canadians reporting that they do not have regular access to a primary care provider, the cost of delaying such a solution is too high.

“Nurses are engaged in every aspect of patient care daily, and their expanded roles can significantly ease the burden on our health system,” said CNA President Kimberly LeBlanc. “It is time to break down the barriers that prevent nurses from practicing to the full extent of their training and expertise so we can ensure more Canadians receive timely and efficient care.”

LeBlanc highlighted nurses' critical role in community health and preventive care, essential components in reducing long-term health-care costs and improving patient outcomes.

Half a million nurses are ready and capable of filling the gaps in our health-care system if we allow them to do so. We urge the Premiers to support policies that maximize nurses' contributions, a proven and sustainable solution to the health workforce shortage,” added CNA CEO Valerie Grdisa.

The CNA is committed to working collaboratively with all levels of government to develop and implement strategies that ensure a robust, efficient, and accessible health-care system for all Canadians.


About the Canadian Nurses Association
CNA is the national and global professional voice of Canadian nursing. Our mission is to advance the nursing profession to improve health outcomes in Canada’s publicly funded, not-for-profit health system. CNA is the only national association that speaks for all nurses in all sectors and practice settings across all 13 provinces and territories. We represent unionized and non-unionized nurses, retired nurses, nursing students, and all categories of nurses (licensed and registered practical nurses, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, and registered psychiatric nurses).

For more information, please contact:
Amber Morley
Media and Communications Coordinator
Cell: 613-282-7859
